Because of a ‘Covid Cancellation’ (a company cancelled their workshops last minute due to Covid) I have a Thu-Sun weekend all by myself to go sailing.
I arrived at the marina early Thursday afternoon and did a bit of maintenance plus topping up the water. I wanted to do a couple of things to make single-handing smoother so got them finished and headed out about 14:30.
The breeze was from the SW and was generally light as I sailed close hauled down the east of Shuna and towards Jura. My plan had been to go through the Corryvreckan and out to Oronsay. However, as I approached the Corry a significant squeal came in on the front of a CB. Unsure of how long it would last and how hard it would blow (it had got up to 20mph on the nose, I took two reefs on the foresail and one on the main and headed South along the east coast of Jura.

I realised I was hungry and tired, the tide would shortly be against me, and although it was only 16:30 I was looking forward to a rest. Making a positive decision to just take it easy, I sailed into Ardlussa Bay and anchored there in 3.5m with 20m chain to the waterline. It was lovely and calm in the Bay and there were a few seals checking me out as I dropped the hook and settled Misha for the night.
The weather improved, the gusts dropped, and I was able to sit out on deck watching the critters, getting a visit from the local swans and generally spacing out reading a novel.

Dinner was Mac&Cheese with Greggs sausage roll followed by berries. I was more tired than I thought and was tucked up by 21:30. It was a very comfortable night with just the gentle rocking motion bar a couple of big craft passing and I slept well.