It was a lovely peaceful night in Ardlussa Bay. I awoke twice during the night and each time was gently rocked back to sleep by the tiny swell leaking into he bay.
The morning was heavily overcast and very damp. After a breakfast of coffee and muesli with yoghurt I kitted up in the storm suit and went on deck. The rain was easing but it was very humid and damp. The swans that had been there the previous evening had scarpered and there wasn’t any movement at all.
The anchor lifted easy with only the smallest bit of weed and Misha naturally set herself pointing eastward out the Bay. I raised the sails although there wasn’t a whole lot f breeze and set southbound. Having not used the fridge of the heater, the battery was full in less than 30 minutes and I quenched the engine. It wasn’t a fast sail initially; I was making 4.5 knots at a 45-60 to apparent close hauled.

The breeze increased once I passed Tarbert Bay and I reefed early sticking one, then two reefs in the main and the foresail balanced slightly over the second reefing mark. I was still making 6.5 kn southbound but I was into 20-25 mph wind 30-45 degrees off it. The tide was with me; so wind over tide, but thankfully there wasn’t a lot of tide. It was a sporty sail all the way south.
I passed slightly east of Na Cuiltean rock and lighthouse and got good views but no seals.

Turning by Iomallach and westward towards the Bay was a lot calmer and I stowed the sails easily under power. I was aware in advance that the starboard perch (or pinnacle) had been lost in the winter storms but it was a lot more complicated than I expected. Even with the Antares Charts on board, not having that big green post to navigate by was hellish. I got through but then I drifted off the leading line and was damn close to touching the bottom on the 1.7m reef on the inside of the narrows. The depth alarm was squealing and showing 1.8m when I hauled her left hard and back towards the safe path.
The south mooring was taken by a little motor-sailor (I didn’t see anyone on it the whole time I was there). so I took the north mooring closest to the Pier. I was able to grab is painter which had been lying in the water and use it to hold while I tailed my mooring strop through. The excitement of getting into the Bay had me seating and I took a moment and a glass of Diet Coke to calm down.

I spoke to the Distillery but they had no tours available. There was a tour group on the Pier to whom I waved and I got some good photos of the Distillery.
Dinner was the second helping of Sausage Roll and Mac & Cheese and I was able to sit outside as it had dried up.