After a very peaceful, restful and relaxing night in Loch Druimbuidhe we awoke bright and early to another blue sky day. Misha was ready to go but there wasn’t a puff of wind as Linda lifted the anchor and then motored us out of the Loch.
It wasn’t long till there was some wind on the beam coming from the south so we hoisted some sail and exited Loch Sunart under canvas and a blue sky.

The reach along the Loch went well and the wind was moving ever closer to the nose going from a broad reach, to a reach, to a close hauled beat. As we turned south into the Sound of Mull the wind was solidly on the nose. There was a tug hauling six fish farm pod slowly down the Sound and the air was cold, only a few degrees Celsius before the wind chill.
We made the decision not to beat into the wind, it would have been tough to avoid the fish farm making its way south as it was, and start up the engine. We motored all the way down to Duart Castle.
It was very chilly and we happed up well, but the views of Mull in the crisp morning air were breathtaking.

As we approached the Yule Rocks in the south of the Sound, there was a small fishing boat laying creels. As we neared I spotted activity in the water and shortly afterwards we were greeted by two very friendly short nose common dolphins who spent about ten minutes with us bow riding, jumping and swimming alongside Misha.

Turning into the Firth of Lorn we were able to get on the sails again and slowly sail SE towards our destination. The winds were light and getting lighter and eventually I had to give in and stow the sails again relying further on diesel. I have rarely seen the Firth of Lorn so calm. By the time we arrived at the coats of Seil it was mirror calm. We watched a big make seal catch a pollack, and slowly eat it, ripping into it at the surface.

Initially we anchored in the pool at Puiladobhrain and sat reading our books in the warming afternoon sunlight before moving round into Ardencaple Bay and settling there for the night. There was lots of geese arriving and departing and keeping us amused at their arguments and conversations throughout the afternoon.